Monday, December 27, 2010

weekly exercise journal: 12-20-10

Have put some weight back on with family here and celebrating Christmas early. They have gone back home now I'm feeling a tad guilty for having pigged out while they were here. So, this is what guilt looks like...

29.4 miles tracked
2 hours, 21 minutes logged
2,138 calories burned
6 tracked workout( synopsis)

Monday, December 20, 2010

weekly exercise journal: 12-13-10

Another hit 'n miss this week... took a few days off... gained back several pounds while family was in town, so feeling down on myself. But at least I'm back at the gym.

33.7 miles tracked
2 hours, 40 minutes logged
2,239 calories burned
6 tracked workout
( synopsis)

Monday, December 13, 2010

weekly exercise journal: 12-6-10

I was kinda hit 'n miss this week... had a busy one, family coming into town for an early Christmas celebration! Took a few days off...

27.9 miles tracked
2 hours, 25 minutes logged
2,037 calories burned
6 tracked workout
( synopsis)

Monday, December 6, 2010

weekly exercise journal: 11-29-10

It was a very consistent week... yay for me!

56.9 miles tracked
4 hours, 35 minutes logged
4,175 calories burned
10 tracked workout
( synopsis)

Monday, November 29, 2010

weekly exercise journal: 11-22-10

For a quick synopsis, from <----- love that website!

11.6 miles tracked
40 minutes logged
815 calories burned
1 tracked workout

Had a bit of breathing problem at the beginning of the week, being a sharp pain in my lung when I would breathe deep. Since it was on the left side it was a good idea for a visit to the Dr.

Nurse's practitioner took my pulse, oxygen levels... even did an EKG reading. All came back fine. So, it wasn't a heart issue. Nice!

Dr suggested maybe it was a pulled muscle and I was feeling the strain in my chest wall when I would breathe deep. So, he gave me an anti-inflammatory and told me to keep an eye on it. If the pain continued I was supposed to come back...

So this all makes sense. Last week I increased my upper body weights (and hubby and I went to our storage unit to pull some Christmas boxes out).

Fast forward to less than 48 hrs later... pain is completely gone. So, I got back on the bike!

Woo hoo! You just never know. And a pain in the chest on the left side of the body? Not something you want to ignore...

Monday, November 22, 2010

weekly exercise journal: 11-15-10

For a quick synopsis, from <----- love that website!

39.9 miles tracked
2 hours, 50 minutes logged
2,852 calories burned
6 tracked workouts (4 rides and 2 weight workouts)

Feelin' good!!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

weekly weigh-in: 11-19-10

Friday morning weigh-in: 269 pounds
Starting weight: 291 pounds
Weight loss/gain since last weigh-in: 0
Total net weight loss since beginning my journey: -22 pounds

Once again... weigh-in was flat last week and flat this week... at least it didn't go UP and then DOWN and then UP again!

Monday, November 15, 2010

weekly exercise journal: 11-8-10

For a quick synopsis, from <----- love that website!

44.9 miles tracked
3 hours, 35 minutes logged
3,158 calories burned
8 tracked workouts (4 rides and 4 weight workouts)

Back to upper body weights this week, along with the cycling.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

weekly weigh-in: 11-11-10

Thursday morning weigh-in: 269 pounds
Starting weight: 291 pounds
Weight loss/gain since last weigh-in: 0
Total net weight loss since beginning my journey: -22 pounds

Weigh-in was flat last week and flat this week... at least it didn't go UP and then DOWN and then UP again!

I'm taking tomorrow off... and this weekend is busy. Not sure I'll get any workouts in. But you just never know.

Monday, November 8, 2010

weekly exercise journal: 11-1-10

For a quick synopsis, from <----- love that website!

56.5 miles tracked
3 hours, 15 minutes logged
4,030 calories burned
5 tracked workouts

Friday, November 5, 2010

weekly weigh-in: 11-5-10

Friday morning weigh-in: 269 pounds
Starting weight: 291 pounds
Weight loss/gain since last weigh-in: 0
Total net weight loss since beginning my journey: -22 pounds

Someone finally said it!

Thank you David Zinczenko for telling it like it is!

Check out this article: Shocking Food Industry Secrets

Can you guess what book I'll be buying in the next few days?! Yes, that's right... his book entitled "Eat This Not That"

Monday, November 1, 2010

bad, bad Lori...

Let it be known... I ate like a pig this weekend.

Not sure I even ate anything with nutritional value.

And I don't know how I feel about it. Was it emotional eating? Was it out of laziness? Was it out of rebellion?

Who knows... but it's too late now. I just need to get back on the bike tomorrow morning and keep moving.

Am I upset at myself? I don't know.

Nevertheless... back to the bike... back to movement and trying to make healthier choices. I'm not going to beat myself up over for it for too long. That's not a good way to handle it...

weekly exercise journal: 10-25-10

For a quick synopsis, from <----- love that website!

38.7 miles tracked
2 hours, 54 minutes logged
2,893 calories burned
7 tracked workouts

How do I feel? Feels good to be back to upper body weights... and to be more consistent after a week and a half off. Let's get going again!

Friday, October 29, 2010

weekly weigh-in: 10-29-10

Friday morning weigh-in: 269 pounds
Starting weight: 291 pounds
Weight loss/gain since last weigh-in: -2
Total net weight loss since beginning my journey: -22 pounds

YEAH BABY! 2 more pounds...

I'll take them!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

I'm shrinking...

I'm happy to announce I'm no longer wearing 3x tops!

Today I purchased a few size 16/18 tops... that's equivalent to a 1x.

But I like saying "16/18" much better!!!

The tops ARE a bit tight still... and I will still wear a cardigan over them to hide the "spare tire" bulge. But I DO feel H-O-T in these new tops! They ARE quite attractive!

Plus, I cannot remember the last time I wore a size 16/18 top!

Monday, October 18, 2010

weekly exercise journal: 10-11-10

For a quick synopsis, from <----- love that website!

24.4 miles tracked
1 hour, 50 minutes logged
1,860 calories burned
4 tracked workouts

How do I feel?
I took several days off this week... 'cuz we went on a road trip to Vegas and Cedar City, UT. We had a blast... and we did a lot of walking... which I didn't track, but I don't really care. My cheeks hurt from laughing so much... I'm one happy girl!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Didn't think I had it in me...

Yesterday I did something I didn't think I could do...

I walked.
About 2 miles.
Up and down flights of stairs.
Up and down steep inclines.

And we kept walking... and then we didn't stop. We just kept walking...

You see we were visiting a college campus. A bunch of us gals went on a road trip to visit a daughter in college. She was so proud to show us the campus... especially the science wing! And so we walked. And we kept walking... and then we giggled when we walked through the library and we were breathing so hard that people were turning around to look at us old ladies...

Afterall, walking is a painful problem for someone who has over 75 extra pounds on her body, at least one knee that is missing cartiledge and another knee that has a pretty bad case of arthritis...

But I am happy to report... I didn't quit! I DID go slower than the rest of the group. I DID stop for a break or two. And I DID huff and puff the whole way.

But still... I was moving. I was in pain, but I was moving. And I am paying for it today... but I was moving.

I am proud of myself... I don't think I could have done this 20 pounds ago.

But yesterday... I did!

Friday, October 15, 2010

weekly weigh-in: 10-15-10

Friday morning weigh-in: 271 pounds
Starting weight: 291 pounds
Weight loss/gain since last weigh-in: -2
Total net weight loss since beginning my journey: -20 pounds

Up two, down two... up two, down two... what's it going to look like next week?!

Monday, October 11, 2010

weekly exercise journal: 10-4-10

For a quick synopsis, from <----- love that website!

65.1 miles tracked
4 hours, 30 minutes logged
5,158 calories burned
6 tracked workouts

How do I feel?
Again, like I kicked butt this past week! So, why... please tell me why I gained weight AGAIN!

Friday, October 8, 2010

weekly weigh-in: 10-8-10

Friday morning weigh-in: 273 pounds
Starting weight: 291 pounds
Weight loss/gain since last weigh-in: +2
Total net weight loss since beginning my journey: -18 pounds

How do I feel? No comment... UP again?! REALLY?!

I'm shrinking...

When I started this journey I was wearing size 24 or 26 pants...the size depended on the cut and fit and the maker of the pants.

I would like to announce that I am now wearing size 22! (And some of my 22's are starting to sag a bit!)

Thrilled! TH-HH-RR-IIIII-LL-ED!!!!!
(can you hear me sing?!)

I can't wait to buy some size 20 pants...

Monday, October 4, 2010

weekly exercise journal: 9-27-10

For a quick synopsis, from <----- love that website!

47 miles tracked
2 hours, 45 minutes logged
3,399 calories burned
4 tracked workouts

How do I feel? Again, like I kicked butt last week!

Friday, October 1, 2010

weekly weigh-in: 10-1-10

Friday morning weigh-in: 271 pounds
Starting weight: 291 pounds
Weight loss/gain since last weigh-in: 0
Total net weight loss since beginning my journey: -20 pounds

How do I feel?
Tired of going up and down and not seeing much progress. And a little frustrated. Tomorrow is my birthday and it had been my goal to be down to 250 lbs (weight limit)by this date so that I could do the local zip line for my celebration. Obviously THAT'S not going to happen anytime soon.

Looking on the positive side: I got some major compliments yesterday and today on how I'm looking. That'll do a soul good! I shouldn't focus so much on the numbers... or lack of movement in the numbers. My clothes are fitting differently. The "next size down" is now saggy on me... so I know I'm losing inches. I'll focus on that... and quit worrying so much about the pounds. Those will drop in due time...

Thursday, September 30, 2010

weighing in...

It's just me... weighing in with some random thoughts.

My hero-of-a-hubby decided today that it's finally time to stop consuming so much grease.

And by "no more grease" I mean:
- he will no longer eat an entire frozen pizza all by himself (even after it's been cooked)
- he won't eat as many California burritos from his favorite taco joint
- he won't drink as much beer

Overall, he now wants to watch his calories, reduce his fat intake and eat "approximately 30% smaller portions".

Yes, he actually decided he needed to eat "approximately 30% smaller portions".

How did he get to this point? That's a great question.
- He turned 40 yesterday
- We had a surprise party for him
- He ate a lot of pizza, creamy-saucey pasta, breadsticks, doritos, etc at his surprise
- He woke up in the middle of the night with a very bad case of acid reflux that kept him up in the middle of the night, sent him coughing and sputtering to the bathroom and scared me to bits!
- He got lectured by me this mornimg about scaring me with his health issues

This afternoon I asked him if he was ready to start making healthier food choices - he responded, "Yes, immediately!" He had SALAD for lunch today!!!

So, it looks like we're both ready to DO THIS! Which means our dinners can now be a bit healthier and we can get rid of the majority of the junk food in the house. We'll still move slowly on this... but here we go.

I'll keep you posted along the way...

Monday, September 27, 2010

weekly exercise journal: 9-20-10

For a quick synopsis, from <----- love that website!

46.75 miles tracked
2 hours, 50 minutes logged
3,513 calories burned
4 tracked workouts

How do I feel? Like I kicked butt last week! And happy to have started it off right again this week!

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Starting 7 years ago my hubby and I started asking our Dr to review our blood lab results with the both of us. We like to hear these results, get the Dr's recommendations and see how each other's health is holding up... and then sometimes we get to rub it in when someone makes a big improvement from last year...

Well, I have exciting news!

Due to my change in priorities over the past 8 months... I have drastically lowered my triglycerides! < --- read more at this link

Below, read about the levels of triglycerides...

Triglyceride Level Classification
Less than 150 mg/dL Normal
150-199 mg/dL Borderline-high
200-499 mg/dL High
500 mg/dL or higher Very high

In 2009, before consistent exercise and smarter food choices, my triglyceride level was at 294! (gasp!!!) Oh yeah... my Dr took the opportunity to lecture me.

And for 2010?

My triglyceride level dropped to 151!!!!!

The Dr was sooo proud of me! (You would be too if you'd lectured me for 3 1/2 minutes about it! I'm sure he went home and patted himself on the back ... )

Confession: To the best of my ability, I had not heeded the Dr's lecture. Neither had I set out to lower my triglycerides. (sorry Doc!!!)

But I do believe this was a by-product of making some healthier decisions for myself. 'Cuz if I don't take care of myself... no one else is going to!

It's amazing what eating healthy and exercising more consistently will do for you.

Friday, September 24, 2010

weekly weigh-in: 9-24-10

Friday morning weigh-in: 271 pounds
Starting weight: 291 pounds
Weight loss/gain since last weigh-in: +4
Total net weight loss since beginning my journey: -20 pounds

How do I feel?
FRUSTRATED!!! All of the weight I lost last week is back on. Hmph... I just want to lose and keep losing. I'm tired of going up and down.

Monday, September 20, 2010

weekly exercise journal: 9-13-10

For a quick synopsis, from <----- love that website!

29 miles tracked
1 hour, 40 minutes logged
2,066 calories burned
3 tracked workouts

How do I feel? Right now I'm upset... but it has nothing to do with my exercise. It's just life... as least I got my workout in this morning! Can I go do it all over again?! It might distract me for at least a lil' while...

Friday, September 17, 2010

weekly weigh-in: 9-17-10

Friday morning weigh-in: 267 pounds
Starting weight: 291 pounds
Weight loss/gain since last weigh-in: -6
Total net weight loss since beginning my journey: -24 pounds

How do I feel?
SUPER STOKED that I lost so much weight in the past 8 days!!! I'm a roll folks... watch out!

I'm nearly 1/4 of the way to my goal of losing 100 pounds! WOO HOO!!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

weekly weigh-in: 9-9-10

Friday morning weigh-in: 273 pounds
Starting weight: 291 pounds
Weight loss/gain since last weigh-in: -1
Total net weight loss since beginning my journey: -18 pounds

How do I feel?
Kinda sad that I'm taking 2 days off this week (tomorrow and Monday). But it'll be a busy weekend... I won't have time to eat a whole bag of potato chips. So why am I worried?!

Monday, September 6, 2010

weekly exercise journal: 9-6-10

For a quick synopsis, from <----- love that website!

25 miles tracked
1 hour, 25 minutes logged
1,757 calories burned
2 tracked workouts

How do I feel? Well, I wasn't consistent. But I still feel good.

Friday, September 3, 2010

weekly weigh-in: 9-3-10

Friday morning weigh-in: 274 pounds
Starting weight: 291 pounds
Weight loss/gain since last weigh-in: 0
Total net weight loss since beginning my journey: -17 pounds

How do I feel?
Hanging steady and ok with it. Was more consistent with healthy eating and exercise this week. That's important! Happy weekend!

Monday, August 30, 2010

weekly exercise journal: 8-23-10

For a quick synopsis, from <----- love that website!

23.90 miles tracked
1 hour, 25 minutes logged
1,757 calories burned
2 tracked workouts

How do I feel? Don't ask... it hasn't been a good day. Hmm... maybe it's because I haven't exercised in nearly a week?! Hmmm...

weekly exercise journal: 8-30-10

For a quick synopsis, from <----- love that website!

33.60 miles tracked
2 hours, 45 minutes logged
2,480 calories burned
4 tracked workouts

How do I feel? Well, it was a good week. What can I say?! I feel great...

Monday, August 23, 2010

weekly exercise journal: 8-16-10

For a quick synopsis, from <----- love that website!

54.70 miles tracked
3 hours, 5 minutes logged
3,823 calories burned
5 tracked workouts

Yay! Everyday last week (except Sat/Sun - unless chores and yard work count)...

How do I feel? Proud of myself...

Friday, August 20, 2010

1000 miles!

I hit 1000 miles this week! Can you believe it?!

If I was on a bike out on the road (instead of the gym)... what city could I have travelled to in the past several months?

Salem, OR


just west of Lubbock, TX


just west of Denver, CO


just north of Idaho Falls, ID


Jackson Hole, WY


just south of Government Camp, OR

That's a lot of cycling!

NEVER imagined I could do this... granted, it's taken me over 6 months to do this. Throughout these months I've taken several weeks "off" ... and then pushed it HARD in other weeks.

Consistent? no...

Driven? Yes!

How long will it take me to make it to 2000 miles?

weekly weigh-in: 8-20-10

Friday morning weigh-in: 274 pounds
Starting weight: 291 pounds
Weight loss/gain since last weigh-in: -4
Total net weight loss since beginning my journey: -17 pounds

How do I feel?
Still feeling a bit sluggish and bloated. I have been back to the morning cycle every day this week... but dealing with a pinched nerve in my neck which has rendered my left arm nearly useless. I'm not kidding you... it's pretty pathetic. So, overall, feeling pretty puny! But glad to have lost some weight...

4 pounds in one week is merely water weight, I know that. But it's movement in the right direction.

Monday, August 16, 2010

weekly exercise journal: 8-9-10

For a quick synopsis, from <----- love that website!

28.55 miles tracked
1 hour, 50 minutes logged
2,272 calories burned
4 workouts

Yes! Back in the saddle, again...

How do I feel? I feel great! I love kicking the days off with the morning rides...

Friday, August 13, 2010

weekly weigh-in: 8-13-10

Friday morning weigh-in: 278 pounds
Starting weight: 291 pounds
Weight loss/gain since last weigh-in: +5
Total net weight loss since beginning my journey: -13 pounds

How do I feel?
Sluggish and bloated. Thanks for asking! I am NOW paying for the outright lack of exercise, overeating and general laziness experienced over the last 2 weeks... grrrr!!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

weekly exercise journal: 8-2-10

For a quick synopsis, from <----- love that website!

0 miles tracked
0 hours, 0 minutes logged
0 calories burned
0 workouts

Yes! You read that correctly... AGAIN!!! I did NOTHING this past week. Nada, nichts, rien, niente... zilch!

Back to the grind this next week... I promise!!!

How do I feel? Like I'm a lazy bum. And I am...

Weekly exercise journal: 7-26-10

For a quick synopsis, from <----- love that website!

0 miles tracked
0 hours, 0 minutes logged
0 calories burned
0 workouts

Yes! You read that correctly. I did NOTHING this past week. Nada, nichts, rien, niente... zilch!

weekly weigh-in: 8-6-10

Friday morning weigh-in: 273 pounds
Starting weight: 291 pounds
Weight loss/gain since last weigh-in: +2
Total net weight loss since beginning my journey: -18 pounds

How do I feel?

Like I should have exercised this week. I've been out of my normal routine (family in town) and that makes the discipline less important.

Why is it always that way?!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Weekly Exercise journal: 7-19-10

For a quick synopsis, from <----- love that website!

100 miles tracked
5 hours, 22 minutes logged
6641 calories burned
7 workouts (6 days of cycling)

I gave myself a pretty big challenge this past week. I set a goal to ride 100 miles on the bike. I've never EVER done that before. And I wasn't convinced I could even do it.

Part of the reason for this challenge was to spread word on the Alzheimer's Breakthrough Ride ... the team is riding from San Francisco to Washington DC. They are hoping to raise awareness of the deteriorating disease that needs more support.

As some of you (my 6 dedicated readers) know my Grandfather was recently moved to his "new home"... with about 24 other Alzheimer's residents who need constant care. To track (or support) the Breakthrough Ride cyclists, click on this link... Breakthrough Ride

Saturday, July 24, 2010

weekly weigh-in: 7-30-10

Friday morning weigh-in: 271 pounds
Starting weight: 291 pounds
Weight loss/gain since last weigh-in: -2
Total net weight loss since beginning my journey: -20 pounds

How do I feel? Alright... didn't get my normal exercises in this week. My tailbone still felt bruised from last week's riding goal.

"Ouch" is an understatement!

Friday, July 23, 2010

weekly weigh-in: 7-23-10

Friday morning weigh-in: 273 pounds
Starting weight: 291 pounds
Weight loss/gain since last weigh-in: 0
Total net weight loss since beginning my journey: -18 pounds

How do I feel? Great... I set a huge exercise goal for myself this week. 100 miles on the bike!

And it looks like I might meet that goal! Going to try to finish it tomorrow... I'll keep you posted!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Weekly exercise journal 7-12-10

For a quick synopsis, from <----- love that website!

Feelin' great!

78 miles tracked
4 hours, 46 minutes logged
5723 calories burned
9 workouts (6 days of cycling, 3 days with weights)

Pushed it hard this past last week! And still feelin' great!

Next week I will ride in honor of the Alzheimer's Breakthrough Ride! In spirit, I will be with them as they ride from San Francisco all the way to Washington DC. They are hoping to raise awareness of the deteriorating disease that needs more support. My Grandfather was recently moved to his "new home"... with 24 other Alzheimer's residents who need constant care.

Today I got to visit with him and told him about my bike ride. As he pushed his own wheel chair around the residence in circles it dawned on me that he doesn't even know why he needs this wheelchair. He looks at it as if it were someone else's. And he's just pushing it around for them. So we talked about his friend that we were looking for... who needed his chair.

When it was time to say goodbye I pressed my cheek against his and blew him a kiss... and he got that sparkle in his eye and all of a sudden recognized his eldest grandaughter.

Those are the moments I love! Just me and Gramps... blowing kisses at each other!

Love you Grampa!

To track (or support) the Breakthrough Ride cyclists, click on this link... Breakthrough Ride

Saturday, July 17, 2010

weekly weigh-in: 7-16-10

Friday morning weigh-in: 273 pounds
Starting weight: 291 pounds
Weight loss/gain since last weigh-in: 1
Total net weight loss since beginning my journey: -18 pounds

How do I feel? Great... I was consistent with the exercise this week and even got in a work out today (Saturday). That's 6 days of exercise this week! A rarity in my world... but I LIKE IT!

Friday, July 16, 2010

A study in "healthy cereal"

Several months ago I fell in love w/ Fiber One cereal. I tried two or three different kinds and decided I liked the "Honey Clusters" version the best. As the box reads, they are "lightly sweetened whole grain flakes with honey clusters".

I've been on a roll with this cereal! Every morning for breakfast: egg whites, grapefruit and Fiber One Honey Clusters! (When I fall into a rut I just get comfortable and stay there for a while. I move in, bring a lamp and box of tissue with me. And then I hang out until I just can't hang out any longer!)

But back to the cereal...

All of a sudden the packaging changed! But I didn't notice it at the store. And I didn't notice it at home. It was subtle. In fact, I didn't notice the changes until this morning, sitting at my desk, eating my breakfast. I emptied the previous box of it's last little crumbs and pulled the unopened box out of the drawer. (Yes, I keep a drawer of food at my desk - you know you do too!)

Let's take a quick look. What's the first thing you noticed?!

Side by side you can see there are slightly different colors of graphics on the box. Some of the fonts have changed, etc. General Mills has made a change in serving suggestion... add strawberries now, instead of bananas.

The old box (on the left) has a 2008 seal of approval on it from the American Culinary ChefsBest organization. In tiny, tiny, tiny little yellow letters it reads "The ChefsBest Award for Best Taste is awarded to the brand rated highest overall among leading high fiber (8 grams per serving and above) cereal brands by independent professional chefs." (One quick question, isn't it 2010 now?!)

The NEW box (on the right) does not have that award seal on it anywhere (front or back) and now instead reads "Excellent Source of Antioxidant Vitamins A & E". OK... so what else is different?

In taking a closer look... the "new" flakes look a little different from the old ones. The NEW flakes on the right (lighter in color, more golden-looking and much less "whole-grain" looking) also seemed to be shaped differently. They now look more like little rounded bowls than the former flakes which looked more like... well, flakes. The OLD flakes had jagged edges, were much thinner and less uniform in shape. The new "flakes" are all very uniform in shape, are thicker and don't taste as "honey-ey". Hmm... me no like!

(Wait a minute... my English teachers would all string me up by my toes right now. But, you're following me... right?!)

So, let's take a look at what else is different. Let's look at the nutrition facts...

The panels look a little different too... here's a quick comparison:

Good changes: Less sodium, more vitamin A, more vitamin D and now with 70% of your suggested daily value of Vitamin E!

Bad changes: the new cereal only has half of the potassium the previous version had, now has more carbs, and now with less protein! (Not to mention it tastes like a different cereal!)

Hmmm.... I'm not sure how this is adding up so far. Good change? Or bad change so far?

Another good thing to note... "high fructose corn syrup" is no longer listed as an ingredient. Instead they list sucralose. I can live with that. (This is most likely why the new flakes aren't as "honey-ey" as before.)

A quick search on the internet tells me that sucralose is better for you than high fructose corn syrup... not to mention the calorie difference.

That's good... I guess...

But now that I know so much about what I thought was healthy cereal... I think I'll be watching out for something else altogether. I'll picking up my lamp and my box of tissue to find another rut to live in for a while.

I'm afraid this morning's reading/learning experience may have ruined all of my eating plans for this weekend. I'll be too busy cleaning out the living space for my new rut that I won't have time to eat as much high fructose corn syrup. My thighs will appreciate it...

Where's that box of tissue?!