Thursday, September 30, 2010

weighing in...

It's just me... weighing in with some random thoughts.

My hero-of-a-hubby decided today that it's finally time to stop consuming so much grease.

And by "no more grease" I mean:
- he will no longer eat an entire frozen pizza all by himself (even after it's been cooked)
- he won't eat as many California burritos from his favorite taco joint
- he won't drink as much beer

Overall, he now wants to watch his calories, reduce his fat intake and eat "approximately 30% smaller portions".

Yes, he actually decided he needed to eat "approximately 30% smaller portions".

How did he get to this point? That's a great question.
- He turned 40 yesterday
- We had a surprise party for him
- He ate a lot of pizza, creamy-saucey pasta, breadsticks, doritos, etc at his surprise
- He woke up in the middle of the night with a very bad case of acid reflux that kept him up in the middle of the night, sent him coughing and sputtering to the bathroom and scared me to bits!
- He got lectured by me this mornimg about scaring me with his health issues

This afternoon I asked him if he was ready to start making healthier food choices - he responded, "Yes, immediately!" He had SALAD for lunch today!!!

So, it looks like we're both ready to DO THIS! Which means our dinners can now be a bit healthier and we can get rid of the majority of the junk food in the house. We'll still move slowly on this... but here we go.

I'll keep you posted along the way...

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