Friday morning weigh-in: 283 pounds
Weight loss/gain since last weigh-in: 0 pounds
Total net weight loss since beginning my journey: 8 pounds
So I didn't lose any weight this week... and yet I rode over 40 miles on the bike and burned over 5000 calories while doing so. So, hmm...
In fact, according to, yesterday's workout was the "most intense workout" since I've been tracking them. There BETTER be some weight lost by next weekend!
But, how do I feel?! Like I kicked butt this week! I can feel more muscle definition in my thighs and calves (which means two things: fat is melting away and muscle is building! And since muscle weighs more than fat, maybe that's why I didn't drop any pounds this week). Clothes are fitting differently! I have more energy to get me through the days. I'm sleeping all the way through the night (instead of waking up 3-4 times and tossing/turning. I've noticed myself smiling more and feeling more self-confident.
And finally this week, someone asked me if I'm losing weight?! It made my whole week! YES! I'm losing weight!!!
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