But this journal I've been keeping just reminds me of how many times I've started exercising - only to quit at some point. Several years ago I got serious about losing weight (I thought). At that time in my life, where I was at, I think it was genuinely more "serious" than I've ever been before. So I won't "knock it" too much. But it didn't last long.
Let's flip through the pages and see what we find:
Sept '07
Weight 288 pounds
I quit at the end of January '08
Weight loss in this time: 15 pounds
Quit because of a sprained neck, shoulder contusion and physical therapy appts
(Injury not related to workout - an elevator door slammed into me at full speed, I didn't see it coming)
May '09
Not sure of my weight (somewhere between 280 and 290 pounds)
Did the "monthly measurement" - once
Logged exercise? A plan to use the dumbbells, and a list of reps to do
Not real sure how long that lasted
Quit because of elevated pain in ongoing knee injury from high school days
Jan '10
Turning over a new leaf...
I cannot think about what might make me want to quit
I cannot think about excuses to not exercise today
I will focus on my goal
I will focus on feeling healthy
Do I tear out the pages from '07 and '08 - so I don't have another reason to feel bad about myself?!
Or do I keep them in there as a reminder that I'm not going to quit again?!
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