First steps toward better diet:
Stop eating toasted bagel/cream cheese every day for breakfast
Stop the Friday morning ritual of breakfast burritos
Stop making extra dinner to bring in for lunch the next day
Stop pigging out on potato chips and other salty/savory items for snack
Breakfast: Eat egg whites, wheatabix cereal and grapefruit
Lunch: Turkey sandwich on whole grain toast with good fixings (no mayo/dressing), and cut veggies for crunch (I need my crunchy stuff)
Snacks: grapefruit, cheese slices, hummus/veggies, granola, etc
Dinner: Since my husband isn't ready to do this diet thing... I can't make too many changes at dinner time. So, I'm making small changes with some of the ingredients. Less butter, more olive oil. Salad as appetizer. Whole grain pasta instead of regular pasta. And for me: smaller portions across the board. And MAYBE - 1 glass of wine, for dessert (instead of one while cooking and another with dinner). (The wine usually happens 3-4 nights a week.)
"Free" Day
I will be allowing myself a "free day" (this will most likely be Saturday or Sunday).
I know over time my "free day" will become healthier, naturally my tates will chand and I won't be able to eat as much salt. But yesterday? It was the Super Bowl. And I add lots of Fritos and onion dip and cheesy/saucy things and meatballs and olives/pickles and sweet stuff.
My weaknesses: anything cooked in butter, Lay's classic potato chips, bread, pasta, rice.
Plus, I love to cook and bake. So this journey will be "interesting". And I mean LOVE to cook and bake... to the point that I've considered going to culinary school. So, we'll see how this goes.
In the meantime I just borrowed a book from a friend called "200 Under 200". Off I go to find some more good stuff to gnosh on...
It's worth it. I'm not too far away from dropping down a size of pants! Yeah baby!!!
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