At the gym - I use this bike. It's by SportsArt Fitness. (And it's dang expensive! Which is why I use a Nordic Track at home.)
Why did I choose to cycle on a recumbent bike?
For many reasons:
1) I have a bad knee = stair stepper isn't a good idea (I've tried - and it hurts a bit too much to ever want to get back on that machine.)
2) Feel pretty strongly that walking with this bad knee (and all of this excesss weight on said bad knee) is probably going to make it worse.
3) The gym I go to has a ton of machines - I'm too fat to fit into most of them and use them correctly.
4) The recumbent bike works my heart rate up, I can sit there for 30-45 minutes on end and not get bored (as long as I have my iPod with me and good upbeat tunes to listen to).
5) The last time I lost weight (or was it the time before?!) the bike worked rather well for me. It just feels right... so bike it is!
When am I going to work out?
My shift at work starts at 6 am. And I am blessed enough to have a gym/locker room at work.
So my alarm goes off at 3:45 am everyday. The teeth get brushed, I don the workout wear (old tshirt and Dansk bootleg cut yoga pants), I read a little news on the laptop, and I make my coffee for the road (don't judge me).
I arrive at my work building/the gym around 4:45 am ... and I'm alone in the gym. (Yes, that's by choice! No one wants to see this blubber pedaling away on a bike and going nowhere - no one! I promise!)
I get my ride in and make it the locker room and to my seat just in time. It's 6 am - time to get the show on the road.
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