Here it is... the good, the bad and the ugly...
Why hide it? Everyone sees it already...
I am generally a confident person...
But in this confession you'll read some things
I've kept a secret for a long time...
What you're about to read isn't pretty...
It's rather embarrassing...
But it's authentic me...
It's the whole enchilada...
It's me being real with you...
(and more importantly, myself!)
My belly sticks out farther than my 40C cups
Each thigh measures just over 33 inches around!
I wear size 24 pants and 3x tops.
My ankles are bloated and my thighs look like lard.
I never wear skirts because of my fat knees, calves and feet.
I don't wear tank tops in public - my biceps are blubber.
I do not like to kneel down on the ground.
It is too difficult to get back up.
(Plus, I have bad knees - from high school injuries...
but my weight doesn't help it either.)
My body temperature is always hot.
I plan to get places early so I can cool down before I see anyone.
So much of my day is planned around my weight.
I want to change that.
I want to plan my day around living!
I want to go for a hike with my friends.
I want to chase after my nieces and nephews.
I want to sit in a chair without worrying about the semi-permanent marks on my hips/thighs from the arm rests.
I want to stand up straight with pride.
I want to have better blood pressure and cholesterol readings.
I want to be healthier!
I WILL do this!
I WILL become healthier!
I will make better decisions for myself.
I will do the splits again.
Ready or not... here I go!
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