Feelin' great!
78 miles tracked
4 hours, 46 minutes logged
5723 calories burned
9 workouts (6 days of cycling, 3 days with weights)
Pushed it hard this past last week! And still feelin' great!
Next week I will ride in honor of the Alzheimer's Breakthrough Ride! In spirit, I will be with them as they ride from San Francisco all the way to Washington DC. They are hoping to raise awareness of the deteriorating disease that needs more support. My Grandfather was recently moved to his "new home"... with 24 other Alzheimer's residents who need constant care.
Today I got to visit with him and told him about my bike ride. As he pushed his own wheel chair around the residence in circles it dawned on me that he doesn't even know why he needs this wheelchair. He looks at it as if it were someone else's. And he's just pushing it around for them. So we talked about his friend that we were looking for... who needed his chair.
When it was time to say goodbye I pressed my cheek against his and blew him a kiss... and he got that sparkle in his eye and all of a sudden recognized his eldest grandaughter.
Those are the moments I love! Just me and Gramps... blowing kisses at each other!
Love you Grampa!
To track (or support) the Breakthrough Ride cyclists, click on this link... Breakthrough Ride
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