You see, I'm on vacation for several weeks. It's a working vacation. I'm doing odds and ends around town, projects around the house, coffee with friends and a lunch here or there... and it's not so much that I can't eat healthy (because so far I think I have).
But, for these reasons...
- I don't have a scale at home.
- I am not driving to the gym every day to get on the scale.
- I am not in my normal routine.
- I have so many projects up in the air that I get distracted.
- I am, after all, so used to making excuses for myself... that all of this comes naturally.
I thought for sure I could get my routine going here at home. After all, I do like my bike better at home than the one at the gym I go to in the mornings. And I really do love how the exercise makes me feel and gets me geared up for the day(s).
But I've been on vacation for 1 1/2 weeks now and I've missed several days of workout. Mainly the last 3 workout days - Thur, Fri and Mon. I've been busy with other stuff / projects but it's not the same.
So, today I'm getting back on the bike and I'm going to find a scale somewhere in town (My Dr's office will let me hop on their scale, right?!). And then I'll get back on track. I can't beat myself up over it for too long - there is no productivity in that.
I have another week and a half of vacation. I can do it!
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