Last week - hit the bike several times. And then skipped a day. Haven't been back on since.
Getting out of my routine is just bad.
I'm still on vacation - one more week. And I'm even contemplating waking up at my normal time and trying to ease my way back into a routine. You see, I usually (usually = when not on vacation) only sleep about 5 hours a night. I don't require much sleep. But since I've been on vacation I'm sleeping about 9-10 hours a night. Staying up later at night, getting up later in the morning.
So I'm debating whether or not to put myself back on a routine for this last week of vacation. Set the alarm in the morning. Get up and ride the bike and shower immediately?! Or just do my thing and let this time expire like vacations "should".
And then get back into my routine once I'm back at work?!
I can see the benefit of both.
I'll report back once I've made a decision...